Ivica Dačić, the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, stated that Russia has successfully secured an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the proposed Srebrenica resolution.

Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the Presidency of BiH, is likely to address the session via video link, Dačić informed TV Pink.

Dačić highlighted that, concerning BiH, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) cannot discuss matters currently under deliberation by the UN Security Council due to Article 12 of the UN Charter, which prohibits the UNGA from discussing any matters concurrently being considered by the Security Council.

He assessed that the diplomatic efforts led by Serbia, under the leadership of President Aleksandar Vučić and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have caused some countries to reconsider whether the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution would contribute to reconciliation or if it represents an illegal action lacking consensus, further exacerbating regional divisions.

“They previously thought that the resolution would be universally endorsed and that it would pass in the UNGA without significant issues… You can see by the number of countries that have co-sponsored the resolution, it’s not a substantial number, meaning that it’s not backed by countries that would definitively support and ensure its adoption,” said Dačić.

Dačić noted that the proponents of the resolution did not anticipate Serbia’s organized response and active diplomatic campaign, adding that he personally spoke with 69 foreign ministers.

“This is an illegal action, a violation of the UN charter, without consensus in BiH, contributing nothing to stability, and we were not consulted about it. This is the only individual resolution, after Rwanda, concerning a crime that would singularly define Serbs, alongside Rwandans, as a genocidal people,” Dačić concluded.

Source: RTRS
