President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has stated that Republika Srpska is stable and there is no risk of any destabilization, emphasizing that the government has done everything to ensure Republika Srpska functions effectively.

“When some who dislike Republika Srpska say ‘failed Republic,’ ‘it will go bankrupt,’ they say this when we are doing something good,” Dodik mentioned on Instagram.

Dodik reminded that before his trip to Saint Petersburg, he had a meeting with the Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Gert Jan Koopman.

Dodik highlighted that he attended the International Forum of High Representatives for Security Issues in Saint Petersburg.

“Upon returning to Republika Srpska, I was in Teslić at the promotion of the joint candidate for the municipal mayor, Nedeljko Kerić,” Dodik added.

Source: RTRS
