Renowned Armenian writer, translator, and university professor Babken Simonian compared the suffering of the Armenian and Serb peoples, discussing attempts of total extermination carried out against these two nations.

Professor Simonian from Yerevan, in an exclusive interview conducted for the documentary film “Anatomy of Deception: Srebrenica,” produced by the Center for Social Stability, pointed out that genocides have historically been committed against the Serb and Armenian peoples. He also noted the Serbs were expelled from their ancestral homes during the “Storm” operation in Croatia and from the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija.

He mentioned that Muslims today constitute over 50 percent of the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, considering this fact, he argued that there could be no talk of genocidal intent, nor of genocide in Srebrenica.

What is the Great Crime?

The genocide against the Armenians, known in Armenian historiography as the Great Crime, represents systematic and continuous ethnic cleansing, expulsion, and mass murders committed against members of the Armenian nation in the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

Estimates vary, but between 800,000 and 1,500,000 members of the Armenian nation were killed during the Great Crime.

This topic has also been addressed by one of the world’s foremost authorities on genocide and the Holocaust, Yehuda Bauer, who has also stated that there was no genocide in Srebrenica.

Source: RTRS
