The United Nations General Assembly will not discuss the Resolution on Srebrenica on May 2nd as initially planned. A new date for the discussion of the Resolution has not been determined yet, and the official reason for the postponement is further alignment of the resolution text. President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, states that the postponement of the session is a success for the political representatives of the Serbs.

However, those advocating for the resolution, primarily Germany, are not sitting idly by, warned the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

This marks the second postponement of the discussion on the Srebrenica Resolution within a few days. After being moved from April 27th to May 2nd, it has been confirmed from New York that the resolution will not be presented at the UN General Assembly on that date either. Confirmation has come from the initiator of the resolution, Zlatko Lagumdžija. The official reason for the new postponement is further alignment of the text of the resolution itself. Unofficially, there is uncertainty about securing a sufficient number of votes to support the resolution. Regardless, there is clearly a crisis, believes President Dodik of Srpska.

“It is obvious that the efforts of the Serb member of the Presidency of BiH, Željka Cvijanović, as well as President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and those of us who have worked on these issues, have succeeded because we have explained to some that it would be a bigger problem than any solution,” Dodik states.

Vučić mentions that advocates of the resolution from their headquarters in Vienna are pressuring numerous UN members. He points out that many countries that would support the resolution are aware that the voting is a matter of geopolitical relations, with no connection to international law and justice.

“If today in Vienna the Americans, Germans, and others counted their votes, and they met, sat down, counted, did everything that we do, ran a campaign, and counted votes. Against a small Serbia. They put 193 countries, or rather 190 countries that have the right to vote. Counted, calculated, and then made a list for pressure. And that’s what they did today from Vienna,” adds Vučić.

Is Germany, the campaign leader and main sponsor of Lagumdžija’s resolution, miscalculating in simple mathematics?

“It cannot be qualified otherwise than as part of the success of Belgrade’s engagement first and then Banja Luka regarding this issue. And I would say a kind of repositioning in the West to avoid damaging consequences, whether the resolution fails or if the voting is negative by any standard for them,” states former diplomat Zoran Milivojević.

Member of the Serbian Parliament, Milovan Drecun added that it seems those who drafted the resolution with the intention of it being adopted at the General Assembly do not have such a secure majority that would guarantee the resolution’s adoption.

After the leader of the Serbs in North Macedonia, Ivan Stoilković, opposed his country’s decision to co-sponsor the Resolution on Srebrenica, representatives of Bosniak parties filed a criminal complaint against him.

“It will only be a basis for new discord and a new quarrel among the people in the region and the international community by all assessments in some way stimulates some new misunderstanding, to not be understood too harshly, some new instability,” notes Stoilković.

A new date for the UN General Assembly to discuss the Resolution on Srebrenica is not yet known. Informally, dates between May 7th and May 12th are being considered. Unless their calculations again do not align with political plans.

Source: RTRS
