Political analyst Aleksandar Pavić stated on the RTRS morning program that a resolution on Srebrenica would open Pandora’s box, adding that many countries are aware of this fact.

He highlighted that the diplomatic engagements of Belgrade and Banja Luka led to the postponement of the vote in the United Nations General Assembly.

“The Serb people have two allies in the Security Council – Russia and China. These are now countries that are working on creating a multipolar world and are communicating with a large number of countries. They are working towards ensuring that there is no longer a unipolar world,” said Pavić.

He pointed out that there are also Western countries that are vulnerable to issues of genocide and crimes.

“Especially since the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced that if Srebrenica passes, then Serbia will submit resolutions about the crimes in World War II,” emphasized Pavić.

He noted the particular hypocrisy of Germany supporting the resolution on Srebrenica.

Source: RTRS
