The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, posted on the social network X the statements of the late Hakija Meholjić about the suffering in Srebrenica and the command of Alija Izetbegović.

Hakija Meholjić, who was the commander of the wartime Muslim police station in Srebrenica from April 1993, was known to the public for publicly telling the truth and blaming Alija Izetbegović for the fall of Srebrenica.

“My dear Srebrenicans, how are you? How are you, Mr. President? Clinton offers me to let the Chetniks enter Srebrenica and slaughter five thousand Muslims, and there will be a NATO military intervention on Serb positions throughout BiH. What do you think about that? I jumped up and said, are you crazy, who will say you go to the slaughter, you are not going… This is what Alija said,” Meholjić recounts in the video.

Meholjić further comments that “Alija is a bad man.”

Dodik posted the video under the title “This is what the truth looks like.”

Source: RTRS
