All victims of terrorism in Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina had families who were left without their loved ones due to armed and hate-fueled extremists, stated the Serb member of the Presidency, Željka Cvijanović.

On this day in 2015, a terrorist attack was carried out at the Police Station in Zvornik, during which police officer Dragan Đurić was killed, and his colleagues Stevo Milovanović and Željko Gajić were wounded.

Later that year, on November 18, a terrorist attack in the Sarajevo neighborhood of Rajlovac killed two members of the Armed Forces of BiH, Nedeljko Radić from Nevesinje and Armin Salkić from Vitez.

“Unfortunately, when we hear shameful statements from the FBiH claiming that ‘the terrorist threat in BiH is zero,’ it seems like a deliberate forgetfulness that these attacks occurred less than a decade ago,” emphasized Cvijanović.

She mentioned that while all serious countries act preventively to prevent such attacks, Sarajevo continuously ignores the terrorist threat.

“Non-serious officials, like Rama Isak, even mockingly comment on warnings from intelligence services of some European countries that point to the existence of 20 active terrorist cells in BiH and the Balkans. While Minister Helez threatens Serbs with war and fabricates Russian military camps in Republika Srpska, he then conspicuously remains silent for days on alarming media reports, supported by photographs of Wahhabis practicing shooting at military ranges in FBiH. It’s as if all this is not happening in a country which, proportionally to its population, was the inglorious European record holder for the number of foreign fighters who fought on the side of terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria,” stated the Serb member of the Presidency.

She stressed that all this indicates that BiH, which was called “the cradle of modern jihadism” by the British BBC not so long ago, has not learned any lessons from its recent past.

“Therefore, we are obliged to persistently demand from the competent security institutions at all levels of government to do everything to prevent attacks like those in Zvornik and Rajlovac from recurring,” concluded Cvijanović.

Source: RTRS
