The statement by the “Bosnian-Bosniak People’s Council” calling for “self-organization” by the Bosniak people and claiming that “citizens cannot trust the institutions predominantly led by descendants of former war criminals” in Republika Srpska has been labeled as warmongering, with a call to competent institutions to react.

Media reports that among the ideologists of this council, which calls for conflicts and undermines the mutual trust and coexistence of the people, is one of the accused in the “Dobrovoljačka” case. The Minister of Interior of Republika Srpska, Siniša Karan, has called for the prosecution to initiate criminal proceedings against those who are raising tensions and disturbing the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Karan pointed out that such calls and statements are irresponsible, frivolous, and malicious and they harm their own people as well as all of Bosnia and Herzegovina, artificially creating tensions.

“They have one single goal – to create tensions among the constituent peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Karan said.

According to him, there are no relevant indicators to support a single word of those who issue such calls and comments.

Karan emphasized that the Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska, in cooperation with other agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is investigating the causes and sources of those who make such statements.

“We will take measures wherever we find relevant data, and we are already working with this knowledge,” Karan stated.

He believes that all this is part of the overall campaign concerning the political resolution about Srebrenica, but also that the Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska, despite insinuations, lies, and warmongering rhetoric, is a guarantor of peace and stability for Srpska and its citizens.

The President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, stated that the Serb people must remain cool, calculated, and dedicated to Republika Srpska and should not fall for provocations like the pamphlet of the “Bosnian-Bosniak People’s Council.”

Stevandić pointed out that such pamphlets are the only forms of extremism.

“There are no other extremisms. Such provocations should be ignored and branded as provocative documents or actions. We must remain cool, calculated, dedicated to ourselves and Republika Srpska. When we can be like this, then there are no victors over us,” Stevandić told reporters in Pale.

The Veterans’ Organization of Republika Srpska has called on all competent institutions to check the security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to determine who is planning to self-organize with the alleged aim of defending property and citizens, beyond the existing institutions. BORS has called on EUFOR and other international security forces not to unnecessarily scare the citizens of Republika Srpska by visiting municipalities in Srpska where there are supposedly security threats, but to locate the real dangers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and act in accordance with their mandated powers.

“We condemn the statement by the Bosniak People’s Council circulated by some media, which calls for self-organization due to alleged threats from extremists,” BORS added.

The Organization of Military Veterans of Republika Srpska has indicated that provocations from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the Serb people continue, the latest being the call from the “Bosnian-Bosniak People’s Council” for “self-organization,” but they also stated that no pressure or threat will prevent the will of the Serbs to protect Republika Srpska and the interests of the Serb people.

Source: Glas Srpske
