Security expert Dzevad Galijasevic assessed that the tensions and provocations emanating from individuals in political Sarajevo are part of an organized campaign originating from the West, emphasizing that the Bosniaks want to serve the West, while the people in Republika Srpska want to decide their own status.

Galijasevic told Srna that the “elites” in Sarajevo have occupied the system, acting arbitrarily, without compromise, without agreement, without institutional decision-making, and are undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement.

He highlighted that the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Zukan Helez, continuously misuses the system and his position, stigmatizing the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

Galijasevic mentioned that “Helez is a radical person who approves a shooting club in Mostar to conduct exercises with Wahhabis on a military range.”

“This moment’s most radical Western circles sending their special units to BiH is a direct threat of war. Helez is actually the one meant to drag the Bosniaks into this war,” emphasized Galijasevic.

He pointed out that the Bosniaks, through Helez, UN Ambassador Zlatko Lagumdzija, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Elmedin Konakovic, are being set up for a conflict that directly leads to war.

Galijasevic stressed that bringing Wahhabis to a military range to practice shooting, as well as statements from Helez and the Minister of the Federal Police Administration, Ramo Isak, are direct calls for war involving the Bosniaks.

He noted that Christian Schmidt also plays a role in the position BiH is in.

“He stopped the positive process of negotiation, he annulled the EU’s decision to open accession talks with BiH, and destroyed peace. The war here is being created in the West. The West is our enemy. Bosniaks want to be servants to that West. They don’t even try to govern the country or have a say in BiH and its peace,” concluded Galijasevic.

Galijasevic emphasized that the people in Republika Srpska want to decide on their status and what they will engage in and how they will satisfy their interests.

Source: RTRS
