
Košarac: “Resolution on Srebrenica” Will Boomerang Back on Its Creators

Košarac: “Resolution on Srebrenica” Will Boomerang Back on Its Creators

“A lie repeated a hundred times will not become the truth, even if this shameful pamphlet is adopted. The unilateral, unconstitutional, and illegal actions of the Bosniak political faction will have unforeseeable consequences for Bosnia and Herzegovina. They have opened Pandora’s box and will have to bear the responsibility for disrespecting constitutional competencies and the Dayton structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus questioning the survival of this country,” Košarac stated.

He noted that the aim of this outrageous document is not international law, peace, and reconciliation, nor is it even empathy towards the victims.

“This is a weapon in the organized struggle of Bosniak politics and the collective West against Republika Srpska, Serbia, and the Serb people. However, they must know that ‘those who live by the sword, die by the sword’,” Košarac posted on Instagram.

He pointed out that the victim will be Bosnia and Herzegovina because it cannot function in a society where the narrative is based on lies, not truth. It cannot survive stepping outside the constitutional and Dayton framework.

Košarac highlighted that the final nail in its coffin is the resolution which, without the consent of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, wanders along the East River.

“The Serb people will not accept the burden that does not belong to them, despite attempts to demonize us and label us as genocidal. A terrible crime occurred in Srebrenica, which we condemn, mourning all the victims. The stance on this has been clearly expressed by intellectuals and global authorities on Holocaust and genocide issues, who have pointed out that in the case of Srebrenica, it cannot be referred to as genocide and warned not to devalue the significance of the term ‘genocide’,” Košarac stated.

Source: RTRS
