Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, emphasized that Bosnia and Herzegovina regressed last year solely due to the destructive activities of the U.S. ambassador, who, he claims, spared no effort to undermine the agreement between the representatives of the constituent peoples and all domestic solutions.

Dodik stated that Republika Srpska has done everything to preserve the Dayton Agreement and has consistently warned against the unilateral activities of Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina that led to new tensions and a standstill on the path to Europe.

“We did everything to prevent this, insisting on dialogue and agreement, but they chose to act against Republika Srpska and against the Serbs instead of cooperating with us,” the President of Republika Srpska posted on social networks.

He highlighted that the State Department report is riddled with untruths and that “all attacks on Republika Srpska only serve to cover up the chaos created by the dubious actions of the corrupt ambassador sent to Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Dodik says that the current U.S. administration, like all representatives who have stayed in this region, has shown that they do not understand the situation and relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that their attitude towards the Serb people is hostile.

“Through their lackey, whom they have allowed to do whatever he wants with their support, they have turned Bosnia and Herzegovina into a colony, completely undermining its sovereignty. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, one man, without any right, and even without paperwork confirming his status in Bosnia and Herzegovina, changes laws, decides instead of legitimately elected representatives, and has returned us all to the Middle Ages,” Dodik stated.

He stressed that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a subject of mockery, shock, and disbelief for those living in the 21st century that decisions above the parliament are made by one man who falsely represents himself.

“That is not written in the American reports, but it should be, because that man has created chaos together with the fake /American ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Michael/ Murphy, and prevented Bosnia and Herzegovina from emerging from a state of permanent crisis,” Dodik pointed out.

He emphasized that these people have destroyed the European path and every agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that their dubious actions destabilize the region.

“If the American report was supposed to convince or warn us that we need to accept that some unnamed foreigner changes our laws as he wishes or suits him, that humiliates the peoples living here, the institutions, even changing his decisions daily with a comma, then they really consider us great fools,” Dodik said.

He declared that in Republika Srpska lives a proud, free people who can read and write.

“We also have good lawyers, people who understand well what is happening here, but we, the political representatives of the Serbs, understand it well too, and that is why we use and will use all legal and political means to deal with such charlatans,” the President of Republika Srpska stated.

Source: RTRS
