The goal of the Srebrenica resolution is to impose collective guilt on the Serb people for a crime that carries individual responsibility. Its adoption would further complicate relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to guests on the RTRS Morning Program.

Miloš Šolaja, a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Banja Luka, stated that no one denies that a war crime occurred in Srebrenica, adding that the International Criminal Tribunal has recognized individual culpability. However, there is no collective guilt, which is now being attempted to be imposed on the Serbs.

Šolaja mentioned that if this resolution were adopted by the UN General Assembly, similar events occurring in Gaza could potentially be classified as genocide.

He highlighted that presenting the resolution to the General Assembly was a circumvented route chosen because its creators are aware that it would face a veto from Russia, and potentially China, in the Security Council.

Milorad Kojić, a representative of the SNSD in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, described the resolution as a Bosniak project conceived in the 1990s. He explained that attempts were made to push through such a resolution in the Security Council, but they met with a Russian ‘no.’ Now, aware of this, they are exploiting the General Assembly, where there is no veto power, and decisions are made by a majority.

Source: RTRS
