The winner of the fourth stage of the International Cycling Race “Belgrade-Banja Luka” is Piotr Pękala from Poland, a member of the German team Santik Vibatech. Piotr Pękala, winner of the fourth stage.

The fourth stage started from Doboj heading towards Banja Luka.

Vladimir Kuvalja, Director of the Cycling Federation of Republika Srpska, earlier told reporters that the competitors would go “full throttle” in the fourth stage, which is somewhat easier than the previous one.

He expressed satisfaction with the reception and interest shown by the people of Doboj for this sporting event, which is being broadcast live in 57 countries.

Kuvalja said that, thanks to the good host cities, it is evident that Republika Srpska has a lot to offer, which is confirmed by the satisfied teams and organizers.

Deputy Mayor of Doboj, Slavko Kovačević, is pleased that the race participants are also promoters of Doboj and that there is significant interest in maintaining the “Belgrade-Banja Luka” race.

Polish cyclist Piotr Pękala was the winner of the third stage which was ridden yesterday from Andrićgrad through Rudo, Rogatica, Sokolac to Jahorina, and he donned the leader’s jersey as the leader in the general classification.

The runner-up was Michael Steiner from the team Sava Kranj from Slovenia, and third place went to David Toneti from the Kazakh team Astana.

Jaka Marolt from the team “Sava Kranj” from Slovenia won the white jersey for the fastest young rider, and the blue jersey designated for the best climber went to Pękala.

The red jersey for the fastest sprinter was awarded to Albert Gateman from the Benoti team from Italy.

The race featured 175 competitors from 40 countries.

The international cycling race “Belgrade-Banja Luka” is organized by the cycling federations of Republika Srpska and Serbia.

The race, whose slogan this year is “Serbia and Republika Srpska Together,” is supported by Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Sports of Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Serbia, and the Representative Office of Republika Srpska in Serbia.

Source: RTRS
