President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated today regarding the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution and the stance of the United States, that although “when America raises two fingers, 70 countries stand behind one,” Serbia will oppose it with all its might.

Responding to a journalist’s question about whether discussions with American officials, like today’s meeting with James O’Brien, Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs at the State Department, could influence Serbia’s intention to prevent the adoption of this document, Vučić said Serbia would fight vigorously.

“I always speak frankly, I do not disclose everything discussed with O’Brien, but I convey all that is important for the citizens directly. We are painfully aware of the difficulties we face. Regarding the resolution, we know that when America raises two fingers, one finger has 70 countries behind it. We are alone, and as such, we will oppose them concerning the resolution with all our strength,” Vučić stated at a press conference following the meeting with O’Brien.

He thanked O’Brien for his visit and expressed hope that bilateral relations would continue to improve.

The meeting between Vučić and O’Brien was also attended by the US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, and former Ambassador to the US, Marko Đurić.

Source: RTRS
