Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić stated today that it is a grave injustice for Germany and Rwanda, historically among the greatest perpetrators of genocide, to seek to label the Serb people as genocidal.

Reminding that Germany and Rwanda are the proposers of the Srebrenica resolution, which is being prepared for adoption at the UN General Assembly, Dačić pointed out that Germany was responsible for ten million victims during World War II, while in Rwanda, over a million people were killed within a few months.

“The resolution is also supported by Turkey, which Armenia accuses of having committed genocide against its people, killing one and a half million Armenians. Austria, a co-sponsor of the resolution, should remember its genocide against Serbs during World War I and recall how many civilians were then killed,” Dačić told Pink TV.

He questioned whether it is fair and historically accurate for the Serb people, who have been victims of genocide, to be declared genocidal considering the immense sacrifices they made during World War I and World War II, including the suffering of Serbs in Jasenovac and other locations.

“There are no resolutions about this, yet according to the proposed resolutions, it seems that only the Hutus in Rwanda and the Serbs have committed genocide. They propose the resolution because they know how it’s done, yet they have not been held accountable for their actions. This is a great historical injustice, but we must fight,” Dačić stated.

Dačić highlighted that the Srebrenica resolution is illegal for two reasons: firstly, the Muslim representative Zlatko Lagumdžija, acting on behalf of BiH in the USA, pushed the resolution without a decision from the Presidency of BiH.

“The second reason is that according to the UN Charter, the General Assembly cannot discuss anything that is a topic of the Security Council. BiH is on the agenda at the Security Council because it is discussed twice annually, and there are peace missions and a so-called international representative in BiH, making it absolutely illegal,” Dačić explained.

He asserted that this resolution should not be on the agenda of the UN General Assembly, especially since it has been 29 years since the events in Srebrenica, raising the question of why it is being brought up now.

“Moreover, the resolution has a counterproductive effect because, instead of fostering reconciliation, it strengthens division and destroys what could be a communal life in BiH,” Dačić pointed out.

He believes that proposing the Srebrenica resolution is connected to Serbia’s independent foreign policy, which the West wants to challenge.

“This has put Muslim countries in an uncomfortable position, who have told us that Lagumdžija has forced them to align with Muslims and lead them into a pitfall because there is no agreement with the Serbs,” Dačić mentioned.

According to him, many Muslim states and others realized this when the resolution was presented at the UN, hence their representatives questioned whether it was open for debate and whether it would proceed to a consensus or not.

Dačić said that Serbia expects that there will be no discussion on the matter, but if a debate occurs, they will do everything possible to gain as many votes as possible and fight vigorously to prevent its adoption.

“This resolution hides a great trap. We should not fall for stories that it is merely procedural because it supposedly introduces just one day, which they claim so we would not act. However, every year there will be divisions and debates about it, splitting BiH, as well as questioning whether it is fair and historically accurate for only the Serb people, who have been victims of genocide, to be declared genocidal,” concluded Dačić.

Source: RTRS
