The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has stated that if the controversial Srebrenica resolution is adopted at the UN General Assembly, Republika Srpska will not respect the contents of this document as it has no basis in law or reconciliation.

“Those pushing this resolution towards the UN clearly want to complicate relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These will be our messages,” Dodik said during an interview with TV Prva.

Dodik emphasized that the Serb people are aware of the consequences that the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution at the UN General Assembly could bring.

“We absolutely reject any label of this type. We warn that if this document accidentally passes at the UN, they must know that we will not respect anything they have determined,” Dodik stressed.

He highlighted that the Serbs have endured many injustices, but this resolution represents a peak where they want to label generations not yet born with the most horrific terms of disqualification for the Serb people.

“If they do this at the UN as they plan to, it will certainly mean significant internal issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it will discourage any desire we might have to participate in the political, social, and systemic life in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Dodik.

He announced that he would emphasize this issue at the upcoming Easter Congress and make decisions that are politically and humanly logical responses to their injustice.

“It is impossible, under any law written by humans and even by divine laws, to qualify a people in such a way,” Dodik emphasized.

The President of Republika Srpska also stated that for Serbs in Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a foreign entity.

“We are the Serb people, our country is Serbia. We are not Bosnian Serbs. We celebrate every success of Serbia, we support the efforts of President /Aleksandar/ Vučić and what he has achieved in the revival of Serbia which is visible everywhere. That is our success too. We see no satisfaction in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For us, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a foreign body,” stated the President of Republika Srpska.

Dodik concluded by emphasizing his identity and allegiance: “I come from the great Republika Srpska and belong to the powerful and great Serb people. I have never been a Bosnian Serb and have not identified with what some have defined as Bosnians or anything similar. That was always distant for me. This people here has always lived the Serb narrative and continues to live it which is why Republika Srpska was created.”

Source: RTRS
