In an interview on the “Dnevnik 1 RTRS” television program, Milorad Dodik, President of the Republika Srpska, stated that the events in Srebrenica did not constitute genocide, as they do not meet the criteria for this criminal offense, a position agreed upon by all relevant legal experts dealing with this matter.

“There has never been a genocide in history that was not unanimously recognized as such, while Muslims unanimously seek to impose such a decision. It must be noted that on May 3rd, the suffering in Dobrovoljačka is commemorated, but this is not acknowledged by Muslims. A criminal is only whom they deem to be one. They persistently try to impose the figure of 8,000 victims over seven days, which is a complete falsehood,” said Dodik.

He further commented that if Muslims were truly interested in reconciliation, they should have acknowledged the Serb victims instead of denying them.

“Genocide did not occur. We express our condolences to all families of the deceased. This is an international report on the suffering of all peoples, not just favoring the Serbs. However, none of their reports mention the Serbs, which is a problem,” stated Dodik.

Source: RTRS
