Citizens from across Republika Srpska are traveling to Banja Luka’s Krajina Square to attend the large public rally named “Srpska Calls You”. Buses are arriving from Trebinje, Bratunac, Vlasenica, and other locations.

Approximately 350 residents from Vlasenica have organized a group trip to Krajina Square in Banja Luka to show their support for the “Srpska Calls You” gathering.

Early this morning, citizens from Bratunac as well as Trebinje also embarked on their journey.

Accompanied by their mayor, Mirko Ćurić, the Trebinje residents carried banners proclaiming “Trebinjci defend the homeland”.

Members of veterans’ associations and other citizens from Zvornik, who participated in the Defensive-Patriotic War, have also set off for Banja Luka to join the “Srpska Calls You” rally.

From the Zvornik Bus Station, 12 buses and a large number of private vehicles departed. The mayor and deputy mayor of Zvornik, Bojan Ivanović and Miloš Tomić, were among those who joined the convoy.

Source: RTRS
