The support from representatives of political Sarajevo for the admission of so-called Kosovo into the Council of Europe is yet another proof that Bosnia and Herzegovina is an impractical state, assessed Denis Šulić, a member of the Main Board of the SNSD.

“The message this behavior sends is not one of support for the self-proclaimed Kosovo or what they call ‘our brothers from Kosovo’; rather, it is a message to Republika Srpska and our citizens that they are not interested in coexistence and that all their actions are aimed at undermining Bosnia and Herzegovina, which can never survive on such a foundation,” stated Šulić.

According to him, supporting such initiatives should be based on the consensus of the three peoples, not subject to political opportunism and the predatory politics of the local bazaars.

Šulić emphasized that Kosovo and Metohija are integral parts of Serbia, always have been, and always will be.

“The period ahead will show whether Republika Srpska will remain within the state union of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it currently exists,” concluded Šulić.

Today in Strasbourg, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a recommendation for Pristina to become a member of the Council of Europe.

Out of 171 members present, 131 voted in favor of the admission of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo into the Council of Europe, 29 were against, and 11 abstained.

Source: RTRS
