Dušan Pavlović, Director of the Center for Socio-Political Research, stated that at this critical moment, as decisions about the Srebrenica resolution are being made, the unity of the entire Serb nation is essential. This unity is crucial because decisive and pivotal battles for the survival of the Serbs are being fought, he noted, highlighting the importance of the upcoming gathering in Banja Luka.

“They are now trying more blatantly, without gloves, often without good plans, to break and destroy us,” Pavlović mentioned, adding that, on the other hand, the Serb people are fortunate that the majority of the political leadership in Republika Srpska is currently willing to sacrifice for the Republic.

The attempt to impose the resolution, or to impose a qualification on the Serbs that does not correspond to reality and facts, is the act of those who have bloody hands and who are historically responsible for the suffering and genocide of several nations since World War II.

“When the Germans entered Belgrade after the barbaric bombing and destruction of the National Library archives in 1941, they organized the arrest and prosecution of the organizers of the March 27, 1941, protests. They prosecuted the Serbs because they cannot forgive that some Slavs, as they say, a ‘lower race,’ dared to oppose an alliance with them, as a ‘higher race,'” Pavlović highlighted.

He continued, “Today is similar, and the followers of Nazism treat the people and legitimately elected officials similarly. The similarity is seen in the actions of Christian Schmidt, who, according to Pavlović, behaves like a Nazi Gauleiter.”

“He has decided to make decisions, to sideline the Constitution, which is part of the International Peace Agreement, to announce his decisions on some website and, like his predecessors, to prosecute those who dared, God forbid some Slavs, Serbs, to oppose the decisions and thoughts of him as a member of the higher German race. It is incomprehensible to us, but this is exactly the mode and concept of their thinking and mental framework,” explained Pavlović.


Pavlović, who is also a graduate of the Yad Vashem International Institute for Holocaust Studies in Israel, stated that the events in Srebrenica cannot be qualified as genocide because there was no intent to destroy a significant part of the group with the aim of annihilating a nation. On the other hand, a crime was committed against the captured soldiers of the 28th Division of the so-called Army of BiH.

“According to my estimates and research based on all Muslim, Bosniak documents, statements of survivors, and forensic evidence, between 1,800 and 2,800 members of the 28th Division were executed. These are my estimates. The International Commission on Srebrenica went a bit broader. Another group captured at the same time in that area was placed in Batković, we’re talking about a few hundred members of the 28th Division. We know this number also because of satellite images from Americans and NATO in Nova Kasaba at the stadium and in Sandići, we know how many buses and trucks were used to transport these prisoners, so we have realistic estimates besides everything else,” explained Pavlović.

He pointed out that before the Army of Republika Srpska decided to enter Srebrenica, members of the 28th Division, who had committed horrific crimes against the Serb population over the previous four years, had left the area, abandoning their women and children.

“We transported and moved all these civilians to the territory they wanted, to Muslim territory, at the request of the UN and at the request of Bosniak civilian representatives. We did not in any way endanger the survival of the beings, even of that population in the region of Srebrenica, let alone at the level of the whole of BiH,” Pavlović highlighted.

Pavlović testified as an expert witness at the trial of the former commander of the Main Staff of the Army of Republika Srpska, General Ratko Mladić, at the Hague Tribunal and pointed out the dissenting opinion of judge Priska Nyambe when delivering the verdict.

“She is a star of African law, and international justice. She clearly states that there are no elements of genocide. In the end, Professor Yehuda Bauer, who is the world’s leading Holocaust researcher over the last 50 years, says that if the massacre or crime in Srebrenica is qualified as genocide, then we must find a new term for actual genocides. I think that is quite clear,” Pavlović stated.


Pavlović said that the army of the so-called Army of BiH, under the control of the radical Islamist structure “Muslim Brotherhood,” i.e., SDA, carried out ethnic cleansing in the area of Podrinje, covering about 900 square kilometers, according to their testimonies and evidence.

“Actions were conducted on a scorched earth principle. Everything that could be killed, they killed in that area. At that time, about two thousand Serbs were killed, tortured, and raped in the most brutal way. It reminded of the actions of ‘Islamic State.’ If they had succeeded in killing five thousand Serbs, they would have. Everything was burned and looted. Those who were captured experienced such torture that they often wished they had not been captured alive,” emphasized Pavlović.

He said that all this lasted until 1993, when the Serbs decided to prevent it, but then, Pavlović adds, foreigners intervened who saved the criminals by establishing a so-called demilitarized zone in Srebrenica.

“It was done to preserve the Muslim military potential for the account of NATO, the Americans, the Germans, and others. Srebrenica and Žepa were never demilitarized. From then until July 1995, several hundred Serbs, civilians, and soldiers were killed by attacks from Muslim military formations from these two enclaves,” highlighted Pavlović.

Directly responsible for these crimes are, according to Pavlović, the United Nations because UN members were in charge of control.

“The UN knew about the existence of Muslim forces in Srebrenica because the command of the 28th Division was in the same building as UN members. After the attacks, Muslim forces would retreat into the safe zone. Neither the political West nor political Sarajevo are interested in the facts; we are talking about a kind of ideology and political agenda,” Pavlović pointed out.


The number of victims, still manipulated today, has never been determined, and Pavlović explains that there are many reasons for this, primarily because those buried in Potočari include those who did not die in the area of Srebrenica, but also those who were killed in combat, confirming the thesis that they are soldiers, not civilians.

He stated that the list of the missing during the breakthrough to Tuzla served as the basis for the number of victims.

“On this list of the missing are all who were killed during the breakthrough, during combat in various ways, as I mentioned, as well as those who were captured and executed. Initially, the list included those who were captured and later exchanged,” Pavlović noted.

Pavlović also pointed out that the appearance of the monuments, or nišans, indicates the status of those buried in Potočari, which is contrary to what Bosniaks claim today.

Showing photographs, Pavlović explained based on the construction of the monuments that Potočari is a military cemetery: “This is a nišan, a tombstone in Potočari that I photographed about ten years ago, of Ejub Golić, commander of the 28th Independent Mountain Battalion, a man who, according to our information, is responsible for many crimes against Serbs in Podrinje. And this is a monument to Mušan Topalović Caco in Sarajevo at the central military cemetery for Muslims at Kovači in Sarajevo, not far from Alija Izetbegović. This is the same monument,” Pavlović emphasized to Srna.

He says that all monuments were made according to clear instructions and legal decisions.

“Here, the entire Potočari is essentially a military cemetery. In Potočari, all those who were killed in combat with us or in internecine fighting, as well as those who are victims of war crimes, captured and executed, are buried. So, all of them have the status of soldiers. Their families receive financial compensation on that basis,” Pavlović pointed out.

Particularly problematic, says Pavlović, is the so-called “March of Peace” organized in the Federation of BiH before the anniversary of Srebrenica, led by Naser Orić, to have a Western ambassador take the lead of the column upon entering Republika Srpska although war flags are glorified and war criminals are celebrated during this event.

“This is actually an initiation of young people from BiH, young Muslims, and other Muslims from the region for the fight for Islam and the caliphate, the Islamic state of BiH and a European caliphate. This is what bothers us both from a security and other aspects.

Why do certain Western countries, knowing all this better than us, insist on calling it genocide, on the resolution, that’s again a question in itself, but we have knowledge and insights why this is so,” concluded Pavlović.

Source: RTRS
