Today, in another effort to give a chance to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European path, we will organize a meeting of government partners at the common level at the Administrative Center of the Government of Republika Srpska in East Sarajevo, stated Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska and leader of the SNSD.

Dodik mentioned that the meeting will include Dragan Čović, leader of the HDZ BiH, and representatives from the Serbian and Bosniak sides.

On social media, Dodik noted that this is the last attempt at stabilization before this partnership could potentially collapse, adding that he expects to resolve issues related to the deadlock in the work of the House of Peoples, which has been blocked by the Bosniaks who have withdrawn and thereby halted the functioning of this institution.

“We aim to address the issue of the illegal High Representative and his decisions, to suspend them, and to agree to urgently, possibly by tomorrow, pass an election law at the House of Representatives that would establish all that is normal for a country, including technical levels,” he emphasized.

Dodik stated that it is necessary to decentralize the Central Election Commission, which has gained too much importance due to the decisions of the illegal Christian Schmidt.

“Costs related to elections must be rationalized, and it must be ensured that the representation of the constituent peoples is visible in the electoral commissions, as stipulated by the Constitution and the law. I expect that we will discuss all this at today’s meeting. If there is no agreement, I am no longer sure how much sense there is in continuing this partnership,” highlighted Dodik.

Following several agreements and the disruptions caused primarily by the American Ambassador Murphy, Dodik says, the entire European path has been blocked.

“The optimism we had has receded, and we cannot move forward until we resolve the causes of this deadlock. And that is, primarily, the illegal Schmidt, who continues to undermine the European perspective of BiH,” concluded Dodik.

Source: RTRS
