In an appearance on our show “The Other Angle,” Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, stated that the proposed Srebrenica resolution at the UN General Assembly would complicate the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and that many countries are aware of this and will not support its adoption.

He mentioned that this resolution is an act that destroys everything and leaves no reason for BiH to function.

“They are trying at all costs to ‘push through’ the Srebrenica resolution at the UN General Assembly. Many scoundrels have gathered to do this against Republika Srpska and this is nothing new, given that all this time they have been trying to inflict some sort of harm on Republika itself,” emphasizes Dodik.

Dodik warned in our show that Serbs in these situations must not be careless.

“We have no right to be naive, because this is something unprecedented at the UN, especially since it is sponsored by some countries that have a very heavy history of genocide, the Holocaust, which they need to whitewash, and then they do it at our expense,” explains Dodik.

Regarding Srebrenica, Dodik highlights that there is no universally accepted evidence that a genocide occurred there.

“Serious suffering and crimes were committed by the Serb side against Muslims, involving military personnel and partly prisoners, but there was no execution of the civilian population. The fundamental conditions for declaring it a genocide were not met,” states Dodik.

Dodik points out that the judgments made in The Hague pertain to individuals, not an entire people.

“The verdicts that were handed down in The Hague, which they refer to, apply to individuals. They do not apply to the collective, and this is how they try to push the narrative of collectivity. They deliberately omit that it’s about a collective but the possibility that everyone interprets it as they wish always leads to the assumption that it was the Serbs who committed it,” explains Dodik.

Dodik called on citizens to trust in Republika Srpska and its institutions and to attend the upcoming public rally.

Source: RTRS
