The public rally “Republika Calls You” will be held at Krajina Square on April 18, starting at 6:00 PM.

The rally will decisively declare that neither Republika Srpska nor the Serb people can or will be humiliated, regardless of the decisions made elsewhere.

The invitation to the rally, which starts at 6:00 PM, is fully extended to the citizens of Republika Srpska, conveying:

“Dear citizens of Republika Srpska, brothers and sisters, proud and liberty-loving Serb people, Republika Srpska is facing the most significant assaults in its post-war history. The highest achievements our Republic’s finest sons fought for in the Defense-Patriotic War are now being targeted for confiscation in peace.

It’s not enough for them to try to take away our livelihoods—our property, resources, forests, rivers, and fertile land. It’s not enough that they challenge our right to celebrate January 9th, which testifies that Republika Srpska was born in peace, not war.

It’s not enough that they undermine our right to democratically elect our representatives, who they sanction and prosecute based on the unlawful decisions of faux high representatives.

It’s not enough that they assault our institutions which are the only guarantors of our freedom and survival on ancestral homelands. Now, they’ve decided to label the descendants of genocide victims from Jasenovac, Prebilovci, Garavice, and Stari Brod on the Drina as a genocidal people at the United Nations.

To label those who perpetrated genocide against our and other peoples across Europe and the world, to falsely brand the remaining unslaughtered Serb people west of the Drina with a label that belongs to them, not the Serbs.

They have shown that they want to strip not just our property, competencies, holidays, and institutions but also to demean and punish an entire small, yet proud and liberty-loving people.

Therefore, we invite you to gather massively on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at the grand public rally in Banja Luka and collectively express our dissatisfaction with the initiative to adopt the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly.

To loudly and clearly state that no one can or will humiliate Republika Srpska and the Serb people, no matter where and what decisions are made.

To raise our tricolor flags high, as a symbol of resistance against all those who wish to subdue not just Republika Srpska but the free spirit of our people.

Republika calls you on April 18, at 6:00 PM, Krajina Square in Banja Luka!”

Source: RTRS
