The Mayor of Srebrenica, Mladen Grujicic, stated today that the persecution of the Serb people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is ongoing, and that the new motion of the resolution on Srebrenica once again “adds fuel to the fire” and “rubs salt into the wounds” of Serb victims.

Grujicic pointed out that the German-sponsored resolution leads to nothing good but only creates discord and distrust, which he believes is the core mission of the international community in this region.

He mentioned that the persecution initially occurred in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and now attempts are being made to do the same in Republika Srpska in order to question its existence.

“Republika Srpska is the product of the defense of the Serb people who are opposing the unitarization of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Grujicic emphasized to Srna.

He also expressed that during nearly eight years as head of this municipality, he has never heard any international representative or ambassador of any country acknowledge the suffering of the Serbs in this area or pay tribute to them.

Source: RTRS
