Petar Đokić, the Minister of Energy and Mining of Republika Srpska, stated to RTRS that the Srebrenica resolution opens a new crisis hotspot in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Đokić emphasized that Germany, through the Srebrenica resolution, seeks to alter history and conceal its own crimes by imposing the label of a genocidal people on the Serbs.

He expressed that both Bosniaks and Croats should understand that this resolution opens a new hotspot and that they should be wise and not respond as they usually do.

“We Serbs must react, and it would be good if they understand what is happening,” Đokić said.

Đokić has called on citizens to attend a large public rally “Republika Calls You” that will be held in Banja Luka on Thursday, where dissatisfaction with the initiative to adopt the Srebrenica resolution at the UN General Assembly will be expressed.

“It is important that the rally is massive, that citizens participate in large numbers, and that we show our commitment to protecting the interests of Republika Srpska and the Serb people who are once again under attack,” he highlighted.

Đokić mentioned that the rally will send messages of peace and desires for stability, clearly stating that Republika Srpska and the Serb people do not accept solutions that jeopardize their vital interests.

Source: RTRS
