Nenad Nešić, Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers, stated that there is a widespread campaign by members of the international community and certain individuals from the Federation of BiH against Republika Srpska. He emphasized that if the resolution on Srebrenica is passed in the UN, it will serve as an additional tool for exerting pressure on both Serbia and Republika Srpska but will not bring any good.

Nešić mentioned that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, has rightly assessed that one of the reasons for the resolution is to punish the Serb people for their independent and sovereign policy, thus pressuring them over Kosovo and Metohija and their foreign policy orientation.

He expressed confidence that Republika Srpska could become an independent state, not through secession, but rather through a peaceful solution based on the actual situation on the ground.

Nešić highlighted that Republika Srpska is unified and homogeneous today, where the majority population is Serb, and 90% desire an independent Republika Srpska.

He emphasized that the Serbs have always advocated for the respect of the Dayton Peace Agreement, but when that is no longer possible, they understand that a peaceful separation is inevitable.

“We just want respect for what Republika Srpska truly is: it has its territory, people, institutions, and jurisdictions. We will not accept any other form of BiH. Today, we find ourselves in a BiH we do not wish to be part of, but we agreed for the sake of peace and security,” said Nešić.

Responding to whether President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is correct in saying that BiH will not survive all the pressures, Nešić noted that BiH is deeply divided with three peoples and two entities, and daily events in BiH raise the question of whether the country even exists as a normal and functional state today.

“The divisions that exist in BiH are evident everywhere. When you enter Republika Srpska, you are greeted by the Serb tricolor; when you enter the Federation of BiH under dominant Muslim control, you are greeted by the blue and yellow flag; and when you enter territories controlled by Croats, their checkerboard flag welcomes you. That’s why I say that peaceful separation would only be implementing the actual situation on the ground,” Nešić explained.

He told “Kurir” that Milorad Dodik is the legally elected president of Republika Srpska and represents the electoral will of the Serb people, and he does not believe in the possibility of his arrest, but all such information reaching the president of Srpska is taken seriously.

“Such ludicrous intentions and unlawful attacks will not be allowed by Republika Srpska,” asserted the Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers.

Nešić pointed out that the actions of Christian Schmidt and his appointment not approved by the UN Security Council speak volumes about the “democracy” being imposed in BiH.

“Nowhere in the world does an individual make laws. If you look closely, he has effectively suspended the parliament because he has taken over its role and is making laws. What will happen if he suspends the judiciary tomorrow? Will he also become a judge? He lacks UN Security Council confirmation, he was not appointed according to the Dayton Peace Agreement, his moves are undemocratic, he places himself above institutions, which is unacceptable and not in accordance with the UN Charter that guarantees a country’s sovereignty,” noted Nešić.

He also warned of the threat posed by radical Islamists, who he claimed are ready for anything.

Regarding Dodik’s announcement that he will visit Russia and meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Nešić said he will likely be in Saint Petersburg at a security forum with the president of Srpska at the end of April.

“We Serbs perceive Russia as a friendly country that acts protectively towards us, including at UN Security Council votes, where it shields us from being labeled a genocidal people. This should not be forgotten. The culture, religion, tradition, and ties between the Serb and Russian peoples are inseparable and should be nurtured,” Nešić stated, reminding that BiH has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation.

Responding to whether he fears reactions from Western representatives regarding his trip to Russia, Nešić said he does not care what foreign embassies will say, emphasizing that the Serb people are freedom-loving, have never accepted subjugation, have fought fiercely for freedom, and have the right to their opinions and to protect their interests.

“I do not want us to be a colony. I am not interested in what any foreign embassy has to say, especially this random tourist in BiH who responds to the name Schmidt. As far as I am concerned, he no longer exists here,” concluded Nešić.

Source: RTRS
