Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, stated that the resolution on Srebrenica and the attempts to have self-proclaimed Kosovo join the Council of Europe, occurring almost simultaneously, will mark and shape the relations of Serbs with other nations in the region.

“President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić is right when he says that these two events happening at almost the same time will mark and define our relations with other nations in the region,” Dodik said in a telephone statement to Srna from Athens.

He emphasized that the attacks on Serbia and on the Council of Europe to allegedly recognize Kosovo* are yet another proof of ignoring the real relations and actual situation.

“The Council of Europe is trying, through what they are doing now, to grant a certain status to Kosovo, which lacks international recognition, is not provided for in the UN Charter, and does not have a seat at the UN,” Dodik pointed out.

He noted that all this is being ignored and attempts are being made to inflict harm, primarily on Serbia, to halt its strengthening and power.

“The intention in this regard is for the sponsors of the illegitimate anti-state act called self-proclaimed Kosovo* to give it importance above what international law and the UN Charter dictate,” said Dodik.

Source: RTRS
