A photography exhibition titled “Russia: The Most Beautiful Country,” showcasing landscapes from the Russian Federation, has been inaugurated today at the City Gallery in Višegrad to commemorate the Day of Russian Volunteers.

The exhibition’s curator, Miroslav Milinčić, who is also the director of the Russian Geographical Society Center in Serbia, stated that this is the first time that photos submitted to the competition held by the society since 2015 are being displayed in Višegrad.

“Each year, the competition receives submissions from between 70,000 and 100,000 authors, with the number of photos sometimes reaching 200,000,” added Milinčić.

He highlighted that the Russian Geographical Society is one of the oldest in the world, founded by the Romanov royal family in 1845, with Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov as its first president.

“Since its inception, the society has always been led by prominent figures from the royal family, politics, or the Russian economy. Since 2009, the president of the society has been Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as the president of the Board of Patrons,” Milinčić emphasized.

The exhibition is organized by the Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia, the City Gallery Višegrad, and the Serb-Russian Community Association “Zavet.”

The Day of Russian Volunteers is observed on April 12th, marking the date in 1993 when three Russian volunteers—Konstantin Bogoslovsky, Vladimir Safonov, and Dmitry Popov—were killed near Višegrad, with several others wounded.

Source: RTRS
