The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, will participate today in the 9th Delphi Economic Forum in Greece, which gathers more than 2,500 participants.

Before his participation in the forum, Dodik gave an interview to the Greek national television ERT.

He discussed the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a special focus on the attempt to adopt a resolution on Srebrenica at the UN General Assembly.

He stated that the entire preparation of this resolution already negatively affects the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is certainly not aimed at increasing the level of trust among the peoples.

Dodik mentioned that the preparation of the Srebrenica resolution at the UN is a speculative process sponsored by Germany and Western countries, and he called on all friends of the Serb people not to fall into the trap of it.

In Greece, Dodik held separate meetings with Angelina Eichhorst, the Director for the Western Balkans at the European External Action Service, and Miroslav Lajčák, the European Union Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue.

Source: RTRS
