A poetic evening titled “And Again My Soul Dreams Only of You” was held at the Herzegovina Museum in Trebinje to commemorate the centenary of the death of the poet Aleksa Šantić.
High school students and teachers from Trebinje paid tribute to Aleksa Šantić, on the hundredth anniversary of his death, conveying that he continues to live through his verses. Through recitation, acting, songs, and a play, they demonstrated that his words still resonate powerfully today.

The event was opened by Nedeljka Ilijić, the director of the JU Center for High Schools in Trebinje, who highlighted that the school has been marking significant dates for our culture for several years and preparing programs dedicated to the giants of our literature.
“This program proves that the students of the Center for High Schools in Trebinje are also successful in extracurricular activities,” said Ilijić.
The play in honor of Šantić consisted of a performance segment, which brought to life scenes from Šantić’s life and his poems, and a musical part where students performed Šantić’s songs accompanied by instrumental music.
Source: RTRS