The certain falsification of the past for an uncertain future of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. This is how the announcement of the adoption of the Srebrenica Resolution at the General Assembly of the United Nations is being assessed in Republika Srpska and Serbia. Undoubtedly, it will be a point of division and will further complicate relations not only in the Western Balkans but also beyond. Not only were the procedures for adopting such a resolution not respected, but it also rightly raises the question of why it is coming at this moment.
Political and financial sanctions, trials of officials, the imposition of laws by the illegitimate Christian Schmidt, attempts at property confiscation, and now the Srebrenica Resolution.
Few can believe that all this is not part of a orchestrated attack on Republika Srpska that continues. Unilaterally from Bosnia and Herzegovina and from political Sarajevo to the United Nations, a new resolution has been sent. Whether it will be adopted depends on those who vote FOR and AGAINST, and not on a two-thirds majority. Deliberate precedents and procedural lapses. Is the timing also intentionally chosen?
Following the meeting of officials from Srpska and Serbia, the Bosniak member of the Presidency, Denis Bećirović, made a statement.
He did not miss the opportunity to state that President Vučić participated in what he calls the siege of Sarajevo. This only confirms that President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, was right when he called Bećirović a falsifier, stated President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

Bećirović’s populist rhetoric will only contribute to the further increase of Aleksandar Vučić’s political rating, while Bećirović will forever be trapped in the dark vilayet and remain a provincial politician in attempt, Dodik concluded.
Source: RTRS