Sinisa Simikić, an assistant at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka, expressed satisfaction with Serbia’s stance and understanding regarding the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly the position of Republika Srpska concerning the Srebrenica resolution set to be presented at the UN General Assembly.

“There has been a orchestrated campaign in the media for days claiming that the resolution is not against the Serbs, but it is very clear who it is aimed at and which countries are proposing it,” Simikić stated.

He highlighted the timing of raising this issue at the UN General Assembly, noting constant attacks on Republika Srpska, which is merely defending its existence.

It is a reminder that Milorad Dodik, after a meeting with the highest officials of Republika Srpska and Serbia in Belgrade, announced that if the Srebrenica resolution is adopted, Republika Srpska will withdraw from decision-making in Bosnia and Herzegovina and will regulate its status to continue independently.

Dodik emphasized that he would do everything to convince President Aleksandar Vučić to support the decisions to be made by Republika Srpska before the Easter assembly.

President Vučić has stated that Serbia will fight to the last moment for every vote against the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly.

Source: RTRS
