President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, announced that if the Srebrenica resolution is adopted at the UN General Assembly, Republika Srpska will withdraw from decision-making within Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and will independently regulate its status to continue forward on its own.

Dodik emphasized that every effort would be made to persuade Serb President Aleksandar Vučić by the time of the Easter Assembly to support the decisions that will be made by Republika Srpska. President Vučić highlighted that Serbia would fight to the last moment for every vote against the Srebrenica resolution at the UN General Assembly.

The Srebrenica resolution, set to be presented at the UN General Assembly, is seen by Dodik as undermining the possibility of coexistence within BiH. The National Assembly of Republika Srpska is scheduled to convene on April 18th and 19th to make specific decisions, and a large rally will be organized in Banja Luka.

“I will do everything to convince President Vučić by May 5th, when the Easter Assembly is held, to support all the decisions that Republika Srpska plans to make. If the resolution on Srebrenica is decided upon at the UN General Assembly, Republika Srpska sees no reason to remain a part of BiH and will regulate its status to continue independently,” Dodik stated.

Vučić will send a special envoy with a letter to the President of the UN General Assembly on Monday, requesting a thorough review of all procedural breaches concerning the proposed Srebrenica resolution. He added that a “trick” was devised to conduct the voting by simple majority, which diminishes Serbia’s chances.

“We will fight, not go to wars but through politics. Little Serbia will keep these great powers busy, which aim to punish a small freedom-loving country. We will fight until the last second,” Vučić declared.

The initiative at the UN level was launched improperly. Those who initiated it “falsely represented BiH,” representing only the Bosniak side, according to Dodik. He emphasized that approximately three and a half thousand Serbs and about 4,100 Bosniaks were killed in Srebrenica, but only the suffering of Bosniaks is emphasized.

“Genocide did not occur. This is a fabricated form in which they attempted to demonize the entire Serbian nation and to transfer individual judgments in The Hague to the collective responsibility of the Serb people,” Dodik noted.

Vučić stated that international laws are the only barrier against the tyranny of the powerful. He emphasized that the Serb people would never submit to all these pressures, blackmails, and senseless accusations.

“On the day the Resolution is adopted, we will show you how proud we are. We must call all Serbs in Republika Srpska and Serbia to display our flags, to show that the day after we are declared a genocidal people, we will raise our beautiful tricolor and show that the Serb people can never be broken,” Vučić concluded.

Republika Srpska, not being a part of the UN, is not recognized in BiH when it holds a differing opinion, Vučić highlighted. He stated that Serbia’s chances are minimal, but it will fight to the last moment for every vote in the UN General Assembly, as requested by President Dodik of Republika Srpska.

Source: RTRS
