The presence of Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, at the ninth Delphi Economic Forum in Greece is of exceptional importance as it is crucial that the views and perspectives of Republika Srpska on the current global geopolitical situation are heard at such significant forums, stated Jelena Jovanović, the head of the Republika Srpska’s representative office in Greece.

“President Dodik will be a guest at a dinner tonight hosted by the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Georgios Gerapetritis, and will participate in various panels at the Forum tomorrow,” highlighted Jovanović.

She noted that the Delphi Forum is one of the largest economic forums held in Europe and that this year it brings together more than 2,500 participants from various fields such as finance, science, politics, with the aim to involve public and government institutions, the private sector, and civil society in open debates and discussions.

“This year’s DEF is themed ‘The Great Transition’ and focuses on multiple transitions happening around the world and all the events unfolding globally. The forum is sponsored by the President of Greece, Katerina Sakellaropoulou,” said Jovanović.

The forum started on April 10th and will continue until tomorrow.

Source: RTRS
