At a public forum in Banja Luka titled “Endangered Srpska – Decisive Response,” the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated that foreign powers intend to eliminate Srpska, but the Serbian people will not allow it, as Republika Srpska guarantees the survival of the Serb people.

Višković expressed pleasure that the forum was held at the Lazarica Church in the Banja Luka neighborhood of Lazarevo.

“This characterizes us as a people – faith in ourselves, our Republic, and our homeland,” Višković said.

He highlighted that Republika Srpska is under attack and that the same unity displayed by the Serb people in the 1990s, when Republika Srpska was formed, is needed again.

“We had the opportunity to pay our respects to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Republic – their lives,” said Višković.

The Prime Minister emphasized the necessity of preserving Republika Srpska, the Serbian people, freedom, and peace.

“It is crucial that we make decisions that do not jeopardize peace in this region, and it is challenging to find solutions that combat brute force with legal means, arguments, and adherence to the Constitution,” Višković stated.

He pointed out that the intentions and influences of great powers to remove Republika Srpska in a certain manner are no longer hidden.

“They think this period has been sufficient for the existence of Republika Srpska. We Serbs do not think so. Republika Srpska is the guarantor of our survival. I am pleased to have the Serb Orthodox Church and our church bells behind me, reminding us that we are here, that this is our fatherland, our soil, and it must remain so,” emphasized Višković.

Darko Matijašević, President of the “Defense of Srpska” Movement, said that Republika Srpska is threatened and that attacks on the representatives of the highest institutions of Srpska are not personal attacks on them but on Republika Srpska.

“The ultimate goal of the attacks on Republika Srpska is its devastation and the primary political elimination of President /of Srpska Milorad/ Dodik and then all other relevant institutions,” said Matijašević.

He stated that unity, consensus, and support for democratically elected institutions are the responses to these attacks.

The forum “Endangered Srpska – Decisive Response” was also attended by the advisor to the President of Republika Srpska, Marko Romić, MP Vlado Đajić, officers, wartime commanders, fighters, their descendants, and citizens.

Source: RTRS
