Nenad Nešić, Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers, stated that the reality is that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) does not function, that there is a staged trial against Milorad Dodik, and that the so-called High Representative, “tourist” Christian Schmidt, has suspended the legislative authority, with his next step likely to suspend the judicial authority, declaring himself both legislator and judge.

Appearing on the Telering show on RTRS television, Nešić said that Republika Srpska will not accept the unification and centralization of BiH.

“We advocate for the respect of the Dayton Agreement and the constitutional order of BiH,” Nešić stated.

He emphasized that Denis Bećirović went to NATO without internal consensus, without agreement in the Presidency and the Parliament of BiH, and requested something he is not authorized to, which Nešić highlights as a classic abuse of official position.

Nešić warns that BiH can only exist as a consensual state of three nations and two entities, and anything else leads to a peaceful dissolution.

“In BiH, we can only agree on things that are acceptable to all. The inability to agree in BiH is a result of the Bosniaks’ desire to govern Bosnia and Herzegovina and is a consequence of their inability to move on from the war period and return to the past,” says the Minister of Security.

He considers the Resolution on Srebrenica, which is supposed to be on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly at the end of April, as a tool for additional pressure on Serbia and Republika Srpska. He questions the ultimate goal of this document.

“Is the goal for someone like Germany to be freed from the burden of World War II, the crimes committed during that war? Is it necessary to blame someone else, and that someone is the Serb people? Is this a tool that will be used to pressure Serbia on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, and later on the issue of Republika Srpska?” Nešić asks.

Source: RTRS
