Bojana Kondić Panić, the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to France, assessed that the visit of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, to France was very successful, substantive, and diverse, and effectively conveyed Republika Srpska’s intentions for further development and, primarily, the preservation of stability and peace in both BiH and Republika Srpska.
“Dodik conveyed a message and explained the situation we are in, emphasizing that Republika Srpska is a land of peace, stability, and prosperity, and that this is primarily the policy he advocates for,” stated Panić.
During the meeting in the Senate with about ten senators from various political groups, primarily the governing structure, Dodik clearly conveyed his commitment to peace and stability and the European path, as well as to preserving what was agreed in the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH.
According to Panić, Dodik outlined the situation and circumstances in BiH and clearly communicated to French politicians the status of the Balkans.
“The President also met with one of the top officials from President Emmanuel Macron’s cabinet, thus having the opportunity to relay his message. Their interest is certainly the preservation of Balkan stability, but a clear goal emphasized was the need for European integrations to be a priority and to try to overcome any obstacles that might arise,” Panić said.
She mentioned that France had advocated in previous years for the abolition of the Bonn powers and noted that official Paris explicitly does not support the impositions used by the so-called High Representative.
“Dodik has invited France, as a country-signatory of the Dayton Agreement, to get more involved in its implementation, and in this context, we can expect more intensive cooperation with French officials in the future. Therefore, we can anticipate visits in the coming period,” highlighted Panić.

She pointed out that Macron’s increased interest in the Balkans is shown by the appointment of René Troccaz as the special envoy to the Western Balkans.
“New visits are announced, and we hope that from a country that is somewhat the cradle of diplomacy, which has advocated for agreement, consensus, and compromise, we will receive support for what we insist on, which is for the leaders in BiH to find a common solution,” added Panić.
Regarding the meeting with the Serbian diaspora, Panić said that President Dodik’s arrival in Paris caused great excitement among Serbs living and working in France.
“There was a large turnout of people, with many emotions, and many cried during Dodik’s speech,” Panić remarked.
“Our traditional song was heard, and the conversation with the president was emotional for our people who see in the president a leader who can preserve the dignity of the Serbian people and identity, as those living there feel the effects of Western media propaganda, which often spoke of our past contrary to what was the truth,” she explained.
According to her words, they support the President of Republika Srpska in his intention to preserve the dignity and identity of the Serbian people and to continue fighting in that direction.
She recalled that Dodik met with His Grace Bishop Justin of Western Europe, who welcomed him at the Diocese headquarters, at the Church of Saint Sava in Paris.
Panić said that Dodik took the opportunity to lay a wreath at the monument dedicated to King Peter and King Alexander I Karađorđević, thereby paying tribute and remembering what connects Serbs and French.
“The highlight was the invitation Dodik received from the president of the Paris Saint-Germain football club, which was an opportunity to meet various people, including the President of the National Assembly of France, who stated that European officials often discuss the issue of the Western Balkans and the approximation of Balkan countries to the EU,” emphasized Panić.
According to her, one of the most beautiful events was this morning’s working breakfast hosted by Colonel Jacques Hogar in honor of Dodik.
“Everyone responded, it was supposed to be about 20 people, but more than 40 came. Among them were investors, writers, journalists, university professors, a wide range of different professions. Dodik also conveyed his message to them and explained that Republika Srpska is a land of peace, stability, and prosperity, inviting everyone to visit Banja Luka,” said Panić.
She stated that a series of projects were agreed upon to be discussed with investors in the coming period, including establishing a Paris-Banja Luka airline and investments in the hospitality sector and other sectors.
“Among the participants was the president of the Val d’Oise Chamber of Commerce, one of the industrial centers of Paris. They had previously shown interest in visits by French business missions that would come to Banja Luka to discuss investments. It was a very interesting and dynamic meeting offering
various contents and an opportunity for the president to present the situation and state of our country to our people, the diaspora, and French authorities,” highlighted Panić.
Source: RTRS