French Colonel Jacques Hogar stated today that tensions exist in Bosnia and Herzegovina and are a result of mistakes made by the EU and NATO.

“I hope that the current geopolitical events and changes that are taking place will help us move towards stability and mutual respect for independence,” Hogar commented after meeting with Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska.

Hogar expressed satisfaction with the visit of the President of Republika Srpska.

“We are very pleased and happy that we managed to gather around President Milorad Dodik, who visited France,” he said.

Hogar noted that the meeting was attended by about 40 individuals from various sectors, including political officials, representatives of the media, and companies.

“We are glad to have had the opportunity to exchange opinions with President Dodik, the Minister of Science, Technology, and Higher Education of Republika Srpska, Željko Budimir, and Ambassador Bojana Kondić Panić. It is very important for France to be informed about the situation in Republika Srpska, and I think that developing relations between representatives of Srpska and their counterparts available here in France can greatly contribute to this,” Hogar emphasized.

He mentioned that it was an honor to host President Dodik and Minister Budimir and to continue developing relations, hoping that these relations would become even more intensive.

It is noted that the President of Republika Srpska concluded his visit to France with a working breakfast at Colonel Hogar’s residence.

Yesterday in Paris, Dodik met with French senators and informed them that Christian Schmidt, who lacks legitimacy and legality, is attempting to remodel the constitutional order in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that Republika Srpska, should Schmidt intervene regarding property issues, will have no choice but to defend its status by declaring independence.

Source: RTRS
