“If you want BiH to have a future, you must allow elected officials to decide its fate,” said the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska in the program “Srpska before the court,” addressing representatives of foreign power centers.

Višković emphasized that elected officials from all three ethnic groups in BiH can find a solution for BiH and do not need foreign tutors, but rather free rein to independently decide on the country’s destiny.

“When we want to find solutions, we always reach an agreement, but then one of those foreign factors does not want a solution here, does not want BiH to become stable, to become an EU member, and to have a normal life and economy here,” the Prime Minister of Srpska highlighted.

He pointed out that it is outrageous for a country aspiring to EU membership to have a colonial administration and for foreigners to undermine internal agreements.

“Some foreign powers do not want BiH to progress but want this region to remain in chaos and be a playground for tormenting the citizens of BiH. BiH is the only country in the world that has a colonial administration in the 21st century,” said Višković.

Višković stated that Republika Srpska is legally fighting through its institutions against attempts by foreigners to impose solutions in BiH.

“We fight against anarchy and force through legal means. Republika Srpska does not want to make moves that could endanger peace and security in BiH, but we must also defend our rights and responsibilities at the cost of all forms of sanctions, politically motivated, legally unfounded trials,” he said.

Višković emphasized that Republika Srpska would not implement decisions by Christian Schmidt.

“Republika Srpska has many more friends now because many have realized that we are right. The trial is a legal farce. The property issue, 30 years after the Dayton Agreement, is inexplicably being raised now. It’s all part of the agenda to turn Republika Srpska into an empty shell, to extinguish it, although Dayton clearly defines this issue,” said the Prime Minister of Srpska.

Višković believes that the imposition of changes to the Electoral Law is a prelude to decisions on the property of Republika Srpska, but Srpska will never allow its property to be seized.

“Republika Srpska is the guarantor of the Serbian people in this region; without property, there is no Republika Srpska. Hence, everything we do is our struggle because we cannot allow this. The property issue must not be the subject of the agenda of any meeting. We must protect the property of Srpska; it is our moral, legal, and constitutional obligation,” emphasized Višković.

He stated that the only way to fight is to not implement decisions that derogate from the Constitution of Republika Srpska.

“We respect the Constitution of Republika Srpska first, and then the Constitution of BiH. More and more friends understand the position of Republika Srpska, who will say at meetings that they understand what is happening in BiH. An increasing number of countries publicly discuss the position of Srpska within BiH,” highlighted Višković.

He also said that Republika Srpska has made the greatest effort for BiH to receive first the candidate and then the negotiating status on the path to the EU.

“The Council of Europe has accepted the constitutional arrangement of BiH, and that is the greatest benefit for Republika Srpska, to be recognized as a factual Republika Srpska within BiH. If you want BiH to have a future, then you must allow elected officials to decide the destiny of this country,” Višković concluded.

Commenting on the appeal of the Bosniak member of the Presidency of BiH, Denis Bećirović, to NATO to invite BiH to membership and to return to military bases in BiH, Višković said that Bećirović is lobbying for BiH to become a member of the Alliance, but the clear stance of Republika Srpska is military neutrality.

“We follow Serbia – military neutrality, cooperation yes, membership no,” stated the Prime Minister of Srpska.

Source: RTRS
