The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, told RTRS that Christian Schmidt has intervened in the Election Law twice in less than a month to strengthen the court decision and eliminate Milorad Dodik from political life.

“Christian Schmidt at one point claimed he was making some technical amendments. Then, in his manner, he hid the most important part, which is that in Article 8, he went to reinforce the court decision and the elimination of Milorad Dodik from political life in Republika Srpska. Then they suggested to him that this would result in the dismissal of the Central Election Commission, so he wouldn’t be able to implement everything he wants. Schmidt hurried to indefinitely extend the mandate of the CEC members as soon as possible,” Višković explained.

However, Višković says, Schmidt received an even quicker response from the Government of Republika Srpska.

“The Government of Republika Srpska has announced that the imposition of amendments to the Election Law of BiH by the self-proclaimed High Representative in BiH is unacceptable and called on all members of the election bodies from Republika Srpska to resign from their positions,” Višković reminded.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska cannot accept the imposition of laws, especially not by Schmidt, who does not have a mandate.

“Even if Schmidt was confirmed by a valid UN Security Council resolution, he could not impose laws. No High Representative before him had the mandate to impose laws. According to Dayton, the High Representative is an interpreter of the civil implementation of the Dayton Agreement,” Višković stressed.

Višković says that if we pretend not to notice what is happening, then, as he suggests, the next issue will be the property of Republika Srpska.

Source: RTRS
