In light of the efforts by Bosniaks and some Western countries to reintroduce a resolution on Srebrenica to the UN General Assembly, the Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers, Nenad Nešić, emphasized that there are those who want tools to pressure Republika Srpska and Serbia.

“Someone’s goal is to make the Bosnian pot boil over. I do not see among the people anyone who wants conflicts. Why does someone, after so many years, mention Srebrenica and what do they aim to achieve? I think we need to stop living in the past,” Nešić stated.

He added that this reflects someone’s political intentions and attempts to cover up what happened during World War II.

“We need to find another culprit, so the Serbs are most convenient to be blamed. I do not feel responsible for what happened in Srebrenica. I condemn that crime,” said Nešić, adding that all those who are guilty should be held accountable, but the collective responsibility of the Serb people is out of the question.

Nešić also noted that besides the desire for BiH to be part of the EU, they have nothing in common.

“There is only a mathematical coalition, that is, a sum of hands in the parliament. We do not have common programs, goals, a common vision for BiH in the future. The only common desire is to be part of the EU, and we all work diligently towards that,” Nešić stated, concluding that he agrees with the President of Republika Srpska and the leader of SNSD, Milorad Dodik, on this matter.

Source: RTRS
