Economist Bojan Lučić stated that Hungary has recognized the investment potential in Republika Srpska, and that the Economic Forum in Banja Luka has opened a new chapter in cooperation with this country.

Lučić emphasized the exceptional importance for Republika Srpska of having a window to the EU through Hungary, and that the visit of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán signifies the significance of political and economic support to Republika Srpska and its representatives.

“So far, we have had exceptional diplomatic cooperation, and the next step was opening up economic spheres, and this was an ideal opportunity,” Lučić told RTRS, adding that economic cooperation benefits all citizens of Republika Srpska, who should feel its impact already this year, considering the agreed projects.

He highlighted that Republika Srpska has identified the energy sector as an area in need of investment, reminding that three energy projects worth 140 million euros have been agreed with Hungary.

“Energy is a resource that is recognized worldwide, including in Republika Srpska, which has great potential. Hungary is interested in this area. Last year’s result of the Electric Utility of Republika Srpska was higher than the total result of the Electric Utility of the FBiH in the past 11 years. Republika Srpska has recognized energy as an area to invest in and energy as the future and something to develop. Such a result cannot be achieved without actively engaging in this topic, investing, and developing, and obviously, FBiH has not recognized that,” Lučić highlighted.

Source: RTRS
