Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik is a constructive leader, and for that reason, Europe should recognize his work, stated Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at a press conference.

“Bosnia and Herzegovina, being a decentralized country, cannot be centralized without the entities’ decision. Whoever wants to do that, does it against the entities’ will,” said Orban.

He emphasized that taking property away from a community leads to significant problems.

Orban stated that his visit to Banja Luka is not only due to sympathies.

“But because the Serbs and President Dodik are doing the right things. In politics, it matters how big you are; there are the big ones and the smaller ones. There are many more who agree with you but dare not say it publicly. I can say it publicly because I have a stable government at home. I can afford to say that the policy towards Republika Srpska is unfair. We need to talk and gather those who understand the Serbian people, both in Republika Srpska and Serbia. From July 1st, we’re taking over the presidency of the EU, and we’ll have a team that will deal with Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Orban explained.

Source: RTRS
