Republika Srpska is fighting for the Dayton Peace Agreement, the Constitution, laws, and the freedom it deserves, stated the President of the People’s Party of Srpska, Darko Banjac, in the Telering show.

Banjac assessed that the battle to defend the competencies of Republika Srpska has been ongoing since the signing of the Dayton Agreement to the present day.

He emphasizes that all solutions in BiH must be negotiated by domestic politicians, without foreign interference.

“If you deprive an entity of the rights and competencies it possesses, if you want to ignore the Constitution and claim it’s something entirely different, if you wish to change the legal landscape of the state community through decisions made by a tourist ‘Schmidt,’ if by decisions of the Constitutional Court, where Serbs no longer sit, but you only have two constituent peoples and, worst of all, foreigners sit, you want to distort the Dayton Agreement and the BiH Constitution, then you are essentially undermining not just the Constitution, but the very state community itself,” says Banjac.

He highlighted that the biggest problem in BiH is that one part of it wants decisions to be imposed rather than reached through internal agreement.

Source: RTRS
