The President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, stated that the next session of the parliament should address, among other things, the stance on attacks against the Constitution of Republika Srpska and its property, as well as the global security situation.

Stevandić noted that terrible events are happening worldwide, along with threats to international collective security.

“Simultaneously, there are attacks on the Constitution of Republika Srpska and its property. Therefore, as a responsible parliament, the National Assembly of Republika Srpska will give its stance on all these issues,” Stevandić said.

He specified that the political and security situation worldwide is becoming more complex, and at the same time, there are attempts to nullify the European path of BiH through illegal actions by the unrecognized High Representative.

“And to say, take advantage of the geopolitical situation in the world to the detriment and against Republika Srpska, its property, citizens, officials, and so on,” Stevandić told Srna.

The Collegium of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska is expected to determine the agenda and the date of the 11th special session of the Republika Srpska parliament tomorrow.

Source: RTRS
