Former diplomat Živadin Jovanović stated that the latest decision by Christian Schmidt on amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina is legally null and void, but it’s unbelievable that one man usurps the competencies of constitutional institutions, for which it’s high time for the Security Council and other international institutions concerned with the principles of legality, peace, and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina to address this behavior.

Jovanović emphasized the paradox of a man who is unauthorizedly performing the duties of the High Representative yet reaches for the sovereign rights of Republika Srpska and the entirety of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at least formally.

I believe these decisions are null because they are made by a self-proclaimed High Representative. He may have orders from his superiors and have the initiative, but such decisions simply have no legal basis – he said.

Jovanović stressed that Schmidt’s decisions are firstly contrary to common sense, then to the procedure of appointing the High Representative, as well as to the constitutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska.

  • In the 21st century, the attempt for one man to usurp the competencies of constitutional institutions is something that contradicts common sense and the fundamental principles of the democratic governance of states. Bosnia and Herzegovina is not a territory under mandate, especially not a colony for someone to have the powers of a metropole, to appoint, dismiss, legalize, declare laws, and anything similar – emphasized Jovanović.

He believes it’s unbelievable for someone to sow chaos in Bosnia and Herzegovina in such a thuggish manner as Schmidt does.

Reflecting on the fact that leaders of major parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina tried to reach an agreement on the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and were on the path to a solution, Jovanović said that maybe Schmidt prefers discord and a complicated process of internal political negotiations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Maybe they have an interest in it being so because it, in a way, justifies their existence and their appointment. I have no other words than to say it’s a paradox that probably goes unnoticed in these tense international circumstances because maybe someone reasons that there are bigger problems, but when they notice the consequences of such behavior, many will be astonished at where and how it comes from – Jovanović pointed out.

He reiterated that the OHR should have been abolished long ago because it was never part of the solution but part of the mechanism for creating problems, mistrust, and difficulties of all kinds.

German national Christian Schmidt, who presents himself as the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, said today that he has made a decision on amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim, as he says, of supporting the announced process of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession to the EU.

Source: RTRS
