The Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Željka Cvijanović, stated that Christian Schmidt is not the High Representative, and even if he were, he would not have the right to impose decisions and change laws.

“Whenever the representatives of the people in BiH take a step forward, Schmidt takes us three steps back. This is a slap in the face to the democratic process and the European path of BiH, and a slap to the EU,” Cvijanović noted, when asked to comment on Schmidt’s “imposition” of amendments to the Electoral Law in BiH.

She emphasized that it is clear Schmidt, along with his mentors and sponsors, is deliberately undermining the EU’s credibility in BiH through dictatorial decisions.

Cvijanović stated that it is outrageous for an unelected foreigner to impose decisions on any UN member state, especially in a country that is on the threshold of beginning negotiations with the EU.

“This will result in further complicating the political situation in BiH, which was obviously Schmidt’s intention. The aim is to cause chaos and show that the two sides are not BiH and the EU,” Cvijanović highlighted.

She mentioned that it is well known that BiH lacks credibility because it has been destroyed by foreign meddlers over the past decades, keeping BiH in a colonial status.

“However, those who manage Schmidt want to show that the EU is also their colony, and unfortunately, they have succeeded, not by nudging or pushing in the ribs or the back, but by a punch in the forehead. So much for the euphoria and the negotiating status,” Cvijanović concluded for Srna.

Source: RTRS
