The Constitutional Court of BiH, by seeking opinions and recommendations from the Venice Commission on how to solve the problems arising in the operation of this body due to a lack of judges, i.e., an incomplete composition, has indirectly admitted that all the decisions it has made in its current composition, without judges from the Republika Srpska, were illegal and unconstitutional, stated Goran Marković, a professor of constitutional law and Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of East Sarajevo, for Glas Srpske.

“This is nothing other than an open admission that they are in a major crisis. The Constitutional Court of BiH cannot continue to operate in the same manner, either in the short or long term, especially as the retirement of some judges is expected soon, as they will reach the age of 70. This is a serious problem. Unfortunately, it is not the only one,” said Marković.

Source: RTRS
