“Mourning for Beautiful Follies” is the title of the new poetry collection by Mihajlo Orlović, presented to the Doboj audience at the Public Library. Doboj witnessed the promotion of the poetry collection “Mourning for Beautiful Follies” by Mihajlo Orlović. He thought people nowadays do not read, especially not poetry, but his new collection “Mourning for Beautiful Follies” convinced him otherwise.

Orlović says he printed an edition of 500 copies, and now he’s left with only 20 books. He infused the covers with a longing for times past, a universally relatable theme, he explains, in which everyone can find themselves.

“As Borges once said, if I were to relive my life, I would have fewer imaginary problems and eat more ice cream. I think I would do exactly that, it’s that longing for follies, those beautiful follies that somehow passed through my life, and I realized at the end why I didn’t live them a little longer, delve deeper, enjoy them more. I thought they were just passing things so I ran away from them and now, there’s a sorrow, a mourning, which turned into this book,” says Orlović.

He describes poetry as his first and last love, and writes prose when he’s more focused. Although art has many definitions, he formulated his own, saying that thought itself is art.

“From my little grandchildren, one year old, I’ve learned much more than I have ever learned in my entire life, which is that life is about working, working, then demolishing it and starting over, but without any trauma, anger, even with more fervor. That’s how the creation of poetry, novels, is exactly how I work; I write, write, then discard and write again. Actually, I always say I’m writing just one book, I haven’t written it yet, and who knows if I’ll ever write it,” added Orlović.

Artists from Republika Srpska and the region who wish to present their creativity to the public are always welcome guests at the Doboj Public Library. The plan is to organize, in addition to promoting the written word, exhibitions dedicated to literary giants and, with the onset of summer, as in previous years, to organize monodramas and literary evenings outdoors.

“We strive to offer readers and the public something beyond just books, beyond bestsellers, and to guide them on the right path,” highlighted Lidija Žarić, director of the Doboj Public Library.

After Doboj, the next stop for the promotion of Orlović’s collection is Hašani, and then “Mourning for Beautiful Follies” will be presented in Prijedor. Simultaneously, he writes novels dealing with unusually interesting themes.

Source: RTRS
