Today’s sanctions are nothing but another in a series of attacks on Republika Srpska, representing a desire to weaken Republika Srpska and intimidate individuals subjected to sanctions, stated Prime Minister Radovan Višković, reacting to American sanctions against associates of the President of Republika Srpska.

Višković emphasized that Republika Srpska will not be weakened, nor will people be intimidated.

“Neither will Republika Srpska be weakened, nor will people who honorably perform their duties and tasks be intimidated. On the contrary, such actions strengthen the Serbian people’s efforts to further protect and strengthen the constitutional capacities of Republika Srpska. It is hypocritical to cite the alleged undermining of the Dayton Agreement as a reason for sanctioning, when unnamed foreigners and their diplomats do it daily in an overt manner, using blackmailing methods,” Višković stated.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska is accustomed to pressures.

“Republika Srpska has become accustomed to this kind of pressure and has built strong defense mechanisms, which have proven to be very effective, and most importantly, we continue on our path, the path of development and political stability,” Višković conveyed.

Source: RTRS
